Advanced Dynamics

Advanced Dynamics is one of the leading packaging machinery partners in the UK, providing a proactive service and high-quality manufacturing machines to businesses spanning from Lands’ End to John O’Groats. The company is built around one simple philosophy; to be the most proactive and supportive business in the packaging industry. And we’re trying to help them achieve that mission by making them more accessible, available and known to the UK market.

    Increase in site health
    SERP ranking for 'filling machine'
    increase in website form fills

    Advanced Dynamics

    Advanced Dynamics is one of the leading packaging machinery partners in the UK, providing a proactive service and high-quality manufacturing machines to businesses spanning from Lands’ End to John O’Groats. The company is built around one simple philosophy; to be the most proactive and supportive business in the packaging industry. And we’re trying to help them achieve that mission by making them more accessible, available and known to the UK market.

    The challenge

    Cremarc originally started working with Advanced Dynamics late 2022, and we’ve since had some excellent results. One of the key drivers for success has been collecting ‘in the market’ opportunities effectively at the bottom of the funnel. By optimising SERPs positioning through quality SEO and tactical Google Ads, we’ve ensured that when someone needs a filling machine or an automatic labeller, Advanced Dynamics are top of the list and ready to help. The results were consistent but we wanted to fast-track success with a website revamp project.

    After working with Advanced Dynamics for a few months, we decided that it was a necessity to improve the website UX, fix all the legacy technical SEO problems and errors, boost rankings and make the product pages clearer, all in one fell swoop. The team came together to produce some immaculate results and here’s a breakdown of what we did and the results it’s achieved, so far.

    advanced dynamics

    Put simply, the guys at Cremarc have been fantastic and cover all our marketing needs. If you’re looking for a new, proactive and forward-thinking marketing agency, look no further!

    Tom Smith, Managing Director


    The ideal product page for a better user experience

    The phrase, ‘why reinvent the wheel?’ comes to mind. When our UX specialists were reviewing the Advanced Dynamics’ product pages, they noticed that they weren’t in the clear expected format that consumers desire in 2023. Instead of reinventing the wheel, they took elements from the Amazon product pages to build a new layout – highlighting key features of the product, offering technical specifications and visualising the product in action through a short video clip.


    advanced dynamic case study - cremarc

    (Screenshot of an Advanced Dynamics’ product page, showcasing the FL-24D automatic filling machine)


    From our research, we know that researchers want three primary boxes ticked – an explanation of how the product works, the technical details to ensure it’s absolutely right for their situation, and an opportunity to find out more or speak to an expert. We made sure to provide three CTAs right at the top of the page to cover all these areas.

    We kept bullet pointed product benefits and listed technical specifications, but added a downloadable PDF so that the user can download the product details and share it with another member of the buying committee. This is a key tactic if you’re selling big ticket items online; you must make it easy for users to share the product or brand with their colleagues.

    Keeping Google happy

    Further to the UX work, we needed to ensure the website maintained and improved its SERP rankings despite content changes across most of the cornerstone pages.

    Our SEO specialists audited the site, identifying areas of improvement, and structured an execution plan to keep both users and Google happy. Google disproportionately de-ranks websites with low domain authority and below-par technical SEO. We made sure to improve both of them to improve Advanced Dynamics’ chances of ranking No.1 for Filling Machines in the UK.

    When we took over the management of Advanced Dynamics’ website, the site health was 74%. That’s not dreadful, but we like to keep all our clients’ websites over 95% (according to SEMRush) to improve our opportunities for ranking.

    After tackling crawler errors, some significant JavaScript problems, and dodgy plugins, we redirected our attention to meta content and image sizing – both of which were negatively impacting the site’s SEO. We ultimately ended up improving the site health drastically – with it now sitting at 93%, without the need for a complete redesign. We also reduced the number of SEMRush errors by over 1,000.

    A faster checkout

    We wanted to redefine the user journey so that any user who came to site, regardless of how fully formed their idea of the right product was, found exactly what they needed, quickly. Our aim was homepage to product page in 3 clicks or less.

    To start, we reworked the layout of the category pages by adding a ‘What do you need to X?’ section at the top. This meant that a user coming to the site looking for a filling machine, could go the filling machine category page, and then instantly find all the machines relevant to their manufacturing situation – whether that be large bottles or jars. The subsequent step in the journey was to display all products in that sub-category side-by-side so that a choice could be made as to which direction they go in – desktop filling or full line.

    To ensure we cater for every user, at the top-level of each category page, there is an option to get straight to the available products. This particular option is for when the user knows exactly what they require – by name.

    To further increase the time to checkout, we added ‘Get a Quote’ forms to all the individual product pages, allowing for users to instantly send a message request to the Advanced Dynamics’ experts enquiring if said product was relevant to their situation, or to see how much it may cost for them to invest in such a machine.

    By allowing users to make their own personal journey through the site, regardless of readiness or intent, we’ve facilitated increased numbers of form fills for Advanced Dynamics over the past quarter.

    We’re excited to continue working with Advanced Dynamics and look forward to our next exciting projects and campaigns. If you need to revamp your website and increase form fill opportunities, then get in touch. At Cremarc, we have an approach to website design that ensures it represents the best version of your business and works hard to deliver results. Your website should be your best salesperson. We can help you get there.

    Find out more about our web design services here.

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